Monday, October 20, 2008

Food Storage

Pam in Grove City, PA recently wrote in with a question on eliminating plastic. She liked the paper sandwich bag idea but needed further options. She has a friend who is breast feeding and needs a plastic free option for storing breast milk.

Good question. Way back when then milkman came door to door, milk was delivered in glass bottles. Glass is an excellent alternative. I use empty pasta sauce bottles to store everything from homemade soup to salad dressings and croutons. They work well in the fridge or freezer (leave room at the top for expansion if putting them in the freezer). I store cereal and trail mix in these jars too and put them in the pantry. Because they're glass, they run through the dishwasher time and again with no worries of them "breaking down".

If you don't have food grade glass jars you can use, you can also purchase canning jars new at the store.

Hope this helps Pam. Keep those questions coming.

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