Tens of thousands of families have joined CSAs. The idea of community supported agriculture is becoming more and more popular as the demand for organic produce rises along with the price of food in general. Not all CSA farmers grow produce organically but they are up front in regards to that. All you have to do is ask and they expect it. No, the FDA does not monitor them. In fact, the government does not track CSAs at all. That may be a selling point in itself. At any rate, there are databases of information out there so you can find a farm near you.
The concept works like this. You pay the farmer up front for a portion of the harvest. The farmer uses the money collected up front to cover their costs and obviously including a profit. This also allows the farmer the opportunity to have time to market the produce before that time is demanded on the farm during growing season. As you can imagine, money up front helps with budgeting and cash flow.
In turn, you, the consumer get the very freshest of food- a box of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season. Not only that, you get to know the men, women, and families growing your food, you support small farmers, local businesses and the little “guy” in general.
Any risk involved? Sure, a small one. If the harvest is small due to uncontrollable variables, your harvest is small. Don’t let that stop you. You’re guaranteed not to lose anywhere near what you lost in the stock market these past several years. And I bet you’ll invest there again. Start small, start simple, but start. See below to find a CSA near you.
Find a CSA near you:
Local Harvest
Eat Well Guide - search by your zip code for farmers markets, community gardens, and co-ops. You'll also find restaurants and bed & breakfasts featuring local products.
Farm Locator-to find farmers who sell directly to the public
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