Personally, what always amazes me as a mom is when I see employees in my daughters' schools wearing uniforms that say "school nutrition team" and they're obese. Seriously? Perhaps we really are stupid. Some took offense with Jamie when he referred to our ignorance. They didn't appreciate him being so blunt and felt perhaps he was being a little high and mighty with his UK advice to us overweight, unhealthy Americans. Too bad America! We're dying of heart disease and cancer. Can't figure out what's killing us and our kids are getting diabetes sooner and fatter faster. Read the facts and Wake up! You don't think we've been just a bit stupid in our choices? BRING IT ON JAMIE! I'm with you 100%.
I dvr'd and watched this afternoon! I thought it was GREAT! The problem with America? We have too many drugs that bandage the "pain" and so... we take the easy way out of the diabetes, etc. If there weren't any drugs (wow, wouldn't that be GREAT) more people would be doing something about their illnesses! :) Just my opinion of course!
Amen Jen!!! :) We are watching and I think it is a brilliant show. I hope this catches on with the rest of America.
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