We discovered The Mushroom Kit while in Berkeley, CA.. A science experiment turned business for two college guys. Huh, so there really IS stuff growin' in the guy's dorm... anywhoo, back to the root of the story. Karen, an enthusiastic endorser of the product, educated us on how these mushrooms grow in recycled coffee grounds. She appeared to be closer to my age than two college kids, which means she must know what she's talkin' about.
We bring home a kit. Now, I will pre-warn you, if you're flying home with one of these kits in your carry on bag, you might have some 'splainin to do at security. "It's a mushroom kit" isn't really enough to get TSA clearance. In fact, they might just raise their brow a little higher. Eventually, my husband told them we were in Berkley and before he even finished getting it out of his mouth, the head of security said "I should've know you were from Berkeley. Go ahead".
Once safely at home, we started the kit. Easy to follow instructions lead you to cut one side of the box, make a small cross slit in the plastic bag and then mist twice a day. Nothing appears to be happening for about 5 days and then all of a sudden, BAM, you have mushrooms growing. I meant to take a picture of the very beginning but seriously, everyday they doubled in size. It's cool and kinda weird having mushrooms growing in the corner on our kitchen counter but certainly earth friendly and budget friendly. Besides, if they're good enough for Alice Waters, they're good enough for me.
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