Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ghiradelli Chocolate DOES NOT use milk from China!

What a RELIEF! Ghiradelli Chocolate Chips are the only chocolate I use in my family-famous muffins. Yesterday the latest news on the melamine in Chinese milk was the concern regarding chocolate candy imported from China...our candy is made in China. Who knew? Even if you read the label on the candy, the uncertain part is while your candy maybe made in the USA, it doesn't necessarily mean all the ingredients are from the US, or Belgium, or wherever you like your chocolate made. So it dawned on me I have NO idea where my beloved Ghiradelli gets its ingredients.

In a panic, I get online and pull up their website. OH, THANK YOU! There they have it, on the front page "Ghirardelli Chocolate Company does not purchase, import or use any milk containing products or ingredients from China in any of our products."

WHAT A RELIEF! Thank you Ghiradelli! Eat on Chocolate Lovers!

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