Thursday, February 10, 2011

Michelle Obama - Let's Move Campaign

Alpharetta, GA welcomes Michelle Obama on the 1st anniversary of the Let's Move Campaign, a national initiative to fight childhood obesity which has tripled in the last 30 years. The First Lady spoke at Northpoint Community Church and reminded us of the chronic health problems related to obesity; heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma.

She's right, we didn't get here overnight. Thirty years ago life was much different. Everybody led a more active lifestyle. Personally as a kid, I remember walking at least a 1/2 mile to the bus stop everyday. TV watching was minimal and deliberate-you watched it for a certain show and didn't sit channel surfing. Fast food was considered a treat (gag, imagine that) and only enjoyed on the rare occasion and of course, there were no computers, IPads, or electronic games to keep us physically still and mindlessly unengaged from reality hours on end. Now, put three five pound bags of sugar on the counter. That's how much more sugar we each eat a year than we did in 1970. Thus you have the recipe that helped get America's health where it is.

The good news, kids are sponges and learn by example. Every parent out there has the responsibility to model good behavior. Don't nag, or preach simply make wiser choices yourself starting at the grocery store, cook one more meal a week than you have been, and even if exercising is a simple walk around the block to get started-go for it! Video of Let's Move Speech in Atlanta.

For more on Michelle Obama's visit to Atlanta. Full details on Let's Move Campaign.

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