"Hi Jennifer! We, The Army, do have a recycling plan going on especially being in the desert but don't have much of an entertainment event though!
We have been here about a week and are getting ready to move on. Thanks for the items of interest! JP-United States Army
Let’s face it, some of us still think it’s difficult to recycle right here in the States, even though the recycling bin was probably delivered right to the doorstep. If you don’t have a bin, you still have the freedom to drive to the recycling center whenever you want.
When you feel you’re too busy and just have to toss that empty bottle in the trash, remember our American troops. While they’re spending every ounce of mental and physical energy protecting others and trying to stay alive themselves, they’re also recycling in the desert of Iraq. Come on, no more excuses.
As we light up the grills for our 4th of July celebrations, be thankful for the land we so freely enjoy. Then give a special salute to J.P. and The United States Army as you recycle all those bottles and cans.
It is truly amazing all the opportunities there are to recycle. I was canoeing with my 3 year old son this weekend in a narrow creek bed enjoying the sights and sounds of nature and sadly we spotted 2 plastic soda bottles just floating on the banks. I maneuvered the boat and leaned over my son to collect the litter out of the water and my son said, "Mommy, we need to recycle those - bottles lying in the water, that is not correct". even my 3 year old gets it!!!!
Recycling is challenging here in our apartment. You have to carry it all downstairs and that is not convenient, so I've been lazy about it. The article has inspired me to make the extra effort!
thanks for sharing
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