The hour flew by as we maneuvered different positions, calmed our minds, and pushed our bodies just a little bit more each time. I’d like to tell you I remember it all and have incorporated each and every move into my daily life but that would be a lie. However, what I can tell you is that I’ve been more conscious of how I stand for any length of time-thighs back then pelvis tilted forward. Automatically you stand taller and aren’t slumping adding pressure to your lower back. You feel your abs engage slowly turnin’ that fridge pack into a six pack just by standing still.
Probably one of the most familiar yoga positions is downward facing dog. Seems basic enough right? You start on your hands and knees, wrists under the shoulders and knees lined up under the hips; nice and square. Next turn your toes under and slowly straighten your legs, pushing them back and lifting your tail end up. Keep your knees slightly bent as you straighten out your legs. Remember, do this slowly and hold for several full breaths. Slowly walk your hands to your feet and then slowly come up letting your fingers drag along your legs as you rise; one vertebrae at a time. Once you get to your upper back, round back your shoulders raising your head last. Coming up slowly prevents you from getting dizzy.
A simple basic move I use all the time when stretching before a tennis match. Now here’s what I didn’t know. This one move does wonders for your lymphatic system. In fact it helps to drain the lymph nodes of built up toxins which is crucial for optimal health and even cellulite reduction. Ya, I knew that last one would get your attention.
If the only yoga move you ever do is a down dog every couple of days, you’re doing pretty good. And I thought all I was doing was stretching my hamstrings before a tennis match. I’ve been down doggin’ it all week!

1 comment:
Ayurvedic treatment for cellulite reduction include a combination of right type of diet, ayurvedic massages (specially gharsana and udvartana), and yoga. However, many herbs are also used to reduce cellulite. to know more...
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