For those of you who think all this alternative energy talk is a bunch of…poop, listen to what’s being done with all that poop. It’s being turned into energy. That’s right. GE has launched another, as in it’s already being done elsewhere, biogas project in the Ukraine.
The Ukranian Milk Company Ltd. has been putting the dung of their 4,000 cows to good use. The first biogas cogeneration plant (where electric power and thermal energy are produced simultaneously) in their country has been in successful operation for nine months now.
This provides an alternative disposal option for the milk company and alternative energy for the country; reducing CO2 emissions by an estimated 18,000 metric tons annually according to GE.
Read pg 7 of this article and you’ll find that’s equivalent to taking 17,000 cars off the road. That figure is based on each car being driven 10,000 miles a year. I’m a mom in suburban Atlanta so let’s up that figure to at least 20,000 miles/ year. So it would be more like the equivalent of taking 8,500 cars off the road. Granted, those cars are actually still on the road but it does illustrate the “power” of each decision. Not to mention, what else would they do with all that poop?
Other GE biogas projects are in:
Wisconsin, U.S.A
For the load on how all this works, visit GE.
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