Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chocolate Pudding

It was the first day of school so I thought a nice homey dessert after dinner would be a great treat. We don't have dessert every night so it's a big deal...let alone something homemade. Doesn't chocolate pudding sound good? It's comforting and cool...since it's still a blazing 95° here. Well, there's a vegan recipe for chocolate pudding I've been wanting to try. It uses Tapioca starch as the thickening agent. I had everything on hand believe it or not: soy milk, tapioca starch, cocoa, sugar, and vanilla. Let me tell you, for all of you who LOVE rich, creamy, chocolate pudding, this recipe is NOT for you. ICK ICK ICK. We tried. We all did. It looked good but when you put the spoon in, it was more like Jello instead of pudding. Lindsey got a kick out of it and said "it looks like blubbler!" Sydney nicely said "it's ok Mom, thanks for trying". My husband kept trying to get it down. I could tell they were so disappointed. We all paused and then I said "get the ice cream sandwiches". Fortunately we had a few left and that saved the night. So there, I saved you the trouble. Stick with the real thing and use organic ingredients. Just keepin' it real.

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